Today I did 3 totitoi activities
I am a Year 6 learner at Glenbrae School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 10 and my teacher is Mr. Nath.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Monday, 22 November 2021
Friday, 19 November 2021
Monday, 8 November 2021
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
About Diwali
Back in Fiji we celebrated Diwali - the Festival Of Lights. Diwali is celebrated in November. It is an important church event in the Hindu Calender.
The festival occurs on a no-moon night. It celebrates the birth of Lakshmi, goddess of Wealth. There are plenty of fireworks and lights! It is a time to celebrate with you, your family and friends.
We eat a lot of homemade sweets. My Hindu families decorate their house with lights and cook vegetarian food and sweets to offer to their Gods. It usually takes one to two weeks to clean up their houses and compounds for this important feast table. On the eve of Diwali they put food and sweets in front of their God and they pray and sing and on the candles around the compound. About 7pm they invite their Fijian families/friends to come and play with firecrackers and enjoy the sweets.
In Fiji we look forword to Diwali because we get to play freely with firecrackers and enjoy the free expensive Indian sweets.
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
During my weekend,my mum and I woke up. We did roti and curry.After doing the curry and roti.I went to take a shower later after I took my shower.It was my mum’s turn to take a bath.later on we got dreesed and we went to take a bus to britomart.We arrived at britomart,we got off and started walking to a hotel called Auckland hotel.WE walked up in hills me and my mum was so tired,we asked people they told us to turn left and right. We reached the hotel and gave the food to my aunt after giving the food. Me and my mum went to the warehouse to buy stuff when we got the stuff we went to top up our bus fare card. I waited for my mum at the bus stop, the bus. I ate a snake while I waited for my mum.She came we went home I slept in the mum woke me up when we reached glen innes.And then we went home.When I came home I went to sleep.
Friday, 22 October 2021
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Plan for my Writing.Who,was,where,when,why. first,after,Next,soon,during,After,Later,Eventually,finally.
One sunny day me and I woke up on a beautiful sunny day. So we woke up we drank tea and afetr drinking tea. We went to take a shower we had each turn. After showing up we looked for our clothes and then we found our clothes and we went and changed.After we changed we put on our shoes and prayed to ask the lord to procert us throughout the day.After praying we went to hibiscus cost.It was a long rideI was with my parents and brother.We went on double bus and we went right up and went to the first chair.And the sun was shining on my lap, And my lap was red and it was so sour. We ate on the way to the place we were going to. When we got off we took a photo.And we went to order food and my parents went to the supermarket. And me and my brother. While we were waiting we played a game for just a minute. The girl from the shop came and gave us the food that we ordered. And then my parents came out of the supermarket. They came and so we held on to the food. And then we saw a park near us so we went there and we had to cross the road. And we saw a bench near the park. So we put the food down and opened the paper and there was fish and chips and bbq and fries and a big coke. So we prayed and ate the food. The food was yummy. After me and my brother and my dad went to the park there was a big field and there were people playing rugby and practicing kicking. So we played on the playground and it was fun. And then it started raining. We still played and it got sunny when it started to rain again, we went back to my mum. We packed up and went to catch the bus. There was a bus there that was going to the city so we got on. When we hopped on the bus it started to rain hard. And it rained so much that we were almost at the city where the rain stopped. And we stopped at the bus stop. We got off and went to the 762 that goes to Glen innes. And then we reached home we took a shower and went to pray and went to sleep.
Monday, 18 October 2021
Tuesday, 5 October 2021
Thursday, 23 September 2021
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
Friday, 17 September 2021
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Friday, 10 September 2021
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
George Lockdown post
Malolei today me and my class did a cybersmart,and it is called goggle post and you need to put what is you favorite game,sports,and food and movies.
Regerts George.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Friday, 3 September 2021
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Early Morning Walk.
Today my family and I walked to Point England and it was so cold. We
walked and we talked along the way. We took some old bread to feed the
birds. They were flying around us and seem happy with the bread that we
threw into the sea sand. The birds started seeing the bread coming around to eat it . After praying we saw
the birds eating the bread. We saw the sun came up and we took a family
photo, After taking the photo we went up the stairs and walked back home.
When we were making our way home it started to rain, and we had our
jackets and we had hoodies on our jacket it was only raining a little bit.
We took a photo of the sun it was so beautiful. And it stopped raining. We
walked fast. After that we raced to my
mum, later after racing, we crossed the road we were tired. And then we
reached home, .
Friday, 20 August 2021
lock down story.
Today Room 10’s first google hangout was fun.And we met our friends and teachers. We said hi to Mrs Peter and Mrs Raj,We said goodbye to them and they were happy smiling at us. And they took a photo of us and said to take care and stay safe.And Mr Nath said go and finish off your work.We did our reading,our reading was about gardening tools and we had to work as a group.Before Mr nath said to say your last goodbyes. We said goodbye to each other and Mr nath will log us out.A few minutes later,We had to jump back to the goggle meeting to do our cybersmart work.And to write about your first google hangout today with our teacher and friends It was cool and I am so sad that I can’t go back to school because of lockdown.We did our cybersmart and our writing. After we finish our writing, we need to send it to the teacher.After our teacher checks it you need to put it on your blog.Room 10 had their second google hangout,we did the work that Mr told us to do on our learning school site.And some of us present their work,,our writing was about the best gardening tools used at home and school..we had to an information about the gardening tools.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Ko wai au
Friday, 7 May 2021
Saturday, 6 March 2021
cleaning up at school
Today me and my family we went to school and cleaned up at school and after cleaning the school we went to the pool and it was only me and my brother.this is a picture of me and my family cleaning up.Please scroll down.
Friday, 5 March 2021
on Friday 5 march we had a challenge and we had to sing a church song with your family this is my video of me and my family.